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This website is provided on “as is” basis. While the information contained on this website may be periodically updated, no guarantee, warranty or representation, expressed or implied as to the accuracy, sufficiency or completeness of the information and material provided on this website is given or implied. There is no warranty that this website will be constantly available at all times.

We are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all responsibility or liability for damages of any kind whatsoever arising out of use, misuse, reference or reliance on any information provided on this website. The information contained on this website and accompanying blog, hereinafter collectively referred to as the website, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, and other materials, is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not meant to be medical or psychological advice.

This website is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any physical, mental or emotional ailment. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licensed medical doctor/ practitioner. The Author of this website does not advocate the discontinuance of any prescribed medication or medical or psychological care. In the event that you use the information in any way, this website assumes no responsibility whatsoever. The author of this website is not a medical doctor/ practitioner and makes no claims in this regard. Healiya.com does not warranty, guarantee, or predict the outcome of an individual using the information or a therapy or a method for any particular issue in line with stories or testimonials contained on this website.

You agree to take full responsibility for your health and well being and acknowledge that you may need to seek the help and guidance of a practitioner / therapist to assist you with physical and emotional issues that you may experience while using these therapies/ techniques and agree to take full responsibility for the outcomes that may occur as a result of using any healing practice or information provided on this website. We strongly recommend you to use the services of an experienced healer/ therapist before and during such time.

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To know about how we could help you, call us on:

+44 7495 165995

Schedule an appointment : sharlats456@gmail.com