Reiki Classes in Dubai

Reiki is a non-invasive and holistic approach to healing. It uses the universal energy to heal and cure mental, physical and spiritual woes. 

Though receiving Reiki from healers is an experience, learning Reiki has its benefits. Reiki is not just for healing, it’s used for protection, enhancing energy and health and for any purpose you can think of. If you wish to learn Reiki, Healiya Holistic Health is the best Reiki Classes in Dubai. 

Traditionally, Reiki had been taught in a physical environment or Reiki classes. However, with the advent of technology, reiki classes are even conducted online. 

Yes, we at Healiya Holistic Health conduct Online Reiki Classes and classroom-based Reiki Classes in Dubai. So even if you stay in any city, town, state or country, you can still learn Reiki from the best Reiki Masters in Dubai. . 

Reiki Training in Dubai

Reiki uses Universal Energy, and hence it is not connected with any religion or particular religious practice. There are no prerequisites to learn Reiki. Thus, anybody can learn Reiki!

Reiki training is usually given in groups and has five levels. We at our Reiki training centre train our students in all five levels. 

Level 1 is usually for individuals who would want to give Reiki to themselves. 

Level 2 Reiki training enables the medium or the healer to give Reiki to self and others including distance Reiki.

To learn Level 3 and 4 Reiki, the healers have to gain at least a 3-6 months of practice of healing others and themselves. Post Level 3 and 4, an individual can even teach Reiki to others. However, it depends on the mental, spiritual and physical readiness of a healer to take on the responsibilities of Reiki Master. Level 4 Reiki practioner is known as Reiki Master and he can teach Reiki upto level 3. After that the 5th and the last level is called Reiki Grand Master and they can teach all levels of Reiki.

Online Reiki Training has the same course structure as in person Reiki classes. The only difference is, the student and teacher sit in their respective homes/office. 

Reiki Course in Dubai

Reiki course or the structure universally is almost the same. However, some of the Reiki teachers simplify the reiki course for the benefit of the students.

Reiki includes symbols, meditation and Attunement. These symbols expedite the healing process. A Reiki student or teacher should not disclose these symbols to those who have not yet learnt Reiki. 

Meditation for centuries has been a common way to ground yourself and be in sync with Universal Energy. It helps to open the chakras and receive the Universal Energy in abundance. 

Attunement is an integral part of the process, which opens up the energy channels of the student to recieve Reiki energy from the universe and channelise the same for self or ithers. It allows the principle of resonance, which awakens/opens the students crown, heart, and palm chakras. Attunement builds a link between the Reiki source and the healer. 

With constant practice and daily revival of the chakras and clearance of Aura, a Reiki Practitioner, by completing Advanced Levels, can reach the status of Reiki Grand Master. 

A Reik Masteri / Grand Master then continues teaching Reiki and completing Attunement to prepare their students to become Reiki Healers. Getting Reiki Attunement from the right Reiki Master/ Grand Master is the most important aspect of learning Reiki. So, choose your Reiki Trainer wisely.

Reiki Training Centre in Dubai

By learning Reiki at our Reiki Training Centre in Dubai, you, as a Reiki teacher, can help to awaken an individual’s spiritual body and helps others in healing. Reiki takes effort and energy; being a Reiki Teacher / Reiki Master, one can utilise the energy efficiently from the Universe and heal others. At our Reiki Training Centre, we teach how to sustain our own energy and effectively heal others. We conduct online reiki classes by using Skype and Zoom, so the only prerequisite before the day of the Reiki classes is to install the applications and stable internet. Best part is that we at Healiya Holistic Health provide you with life long support for any queries or doubts for the trainings taken from us.

Benefits of Reiki:

Completing Online Reiki Training or a physical Reiki Training in Dubai has benefits as listed below:

  • Promote Harmony & Balance
  • Releases Tension From The Body
  • Breaks Down Energy Blocks 
  • Cleanses Body of Toxins
  • Improves and supports Immune System
  • Improves Focus
  • Improves Sleep 
  • Helps Spiritual Growth and Emotional Cleansing
  • Expedites Body’s Self-Healing Ability

So what are you waiting for? Contact us now and become a renowned Reiki Master / Grand Master in Dubai and anywhere in the world. Learn Reiki now, enhance your well-being, and ensure a healthy and happy life for yourself, your family, and your clients/friends.


To know about how we could help you, call us on:

09718352666 / 09899106125

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